It's never late to start again


It’s never late to start again

September 15, 2015


    Dear Dj Chloe,

    Just call me Amy, a single mother of a 15 year-old boy. My problem is my husband who lessened his support instead of adding. It seems that we’re always asking for alms from him. It came to the point that he didn’t provide five months and if I didn’t message his siblings abroad he won’t send his support. I even told his sibling everything I went through and even borrowed money from them. But I actually have a work. I make decors out of recycled papers for 7 years.

    I filed a case against my husband but he begged that I turn down the case. I am so hurt of what he’s doing especially his siblings because they kept on judging us just because his mistress is already abroad. They are not even lending us money when in fact they helped the woman to leave the country.

    I took care of their mom for 6 years, saved my husband when he received life threats and even took care of his nephews and nieces who were already in other country. But they didn’t remember me even with just a piece of soap. I am asking for your advice because I want to start all over again.


    Dear Amy,

    The answer is on the last part of your letter, START ALL OVER AGAIN. And you can actually do it anytime you want to. if every time you ask for support he makes u feel like a beggar, it’s because you can’t really force any father to give support unless he is willing to. If you took care of everyone except yourself it was your choice and you can’t expect or ask them to feel like they owe you for doing that for them. It’s the right time you start thinking about yourself and your son. Be on your own. Focus all your efforts in making money, work double time and train your son to be responsible at an early age; that money doesn’t grow on trees. Stop living for everyone else. You don’t owe them anything and it’s not your obligation. Start TODAY. Good luck.



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