Love is not love without sacrifice


Love is not love without sacrifice

July 28, 2015




    Dear Dj Chloe,

    My name is Lily. I’ve been married to the perfect guy for ten years before he thought that it would be fun to screw around and cheat on me. As luck would have it, he got one of the hoes pregnant. So I did the best thing and let my husband go. To make the story short, we got separated and he came to live with the other woman. Now, I am thinking of taking matters to court since he failed to give child support for two years now. It is my kids’ right I’m fighting for, anyway. Here’s the glitch, though. I have been in a relationship with another girl for quite some time now. Ten months to be exact. I am worried that if I take the child support case to family court, it would drag my “hidden” relationship with this girl whom I love dearly. I definitely would do anything for that girl. Please help me. What should be the better course of action as I am confused right now. Thank you and more power.


    Dear Lily,

    As if what happened to you and your husband isn’t enough to shake you. Here you are, your turn to complicate things. I would like to be gender sensitive. Obviously , you have made up your mind, and choosing to be in a relationship with another woman is what seems to be your priority rather than the welfare of your kids; and that’s to seek support. So if I were to decide for you, ask yourself what’s important and worth fighting for, your kids or this woman you’re with. If you can handle the needs, I say, just do it all yourself but your relationship with this woman may just be fleeting but the needs of your kids will be for life. Goodluck.



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