Mind your own business


Mind your own business

August 3, 2015


    Hello DJ Chloe,

    I am an OFW and I live with fellow Pinoys. I’ve been bothered with a single housemate who is living in sin with a married guy. I know that it is not right for me to have an issue with them ’cause it’s none of my business. But it is against my principles and I feel sad for the wife and kids of the married guy. I am thinking of telling the guy’s wife (in the Philippines) about their affair but I am not sure if it’s right. What should I do?


    Dear Concerned OFW,

    This kind of story is nothing new. They have wives/husbands abroad and then when they’re back home in the Philippines balik din sila sa original. Some of them will travel pabalik ng Pinas, stop over ng Hong Kong para mag liwaliw. Pagbalik ng Pinas para umuwi sa pamilya, kanya kanya na. Pagbalik ng abroad sila na naman ulit. I feel you, naawa ka sa asawa, sa mga anak. Pero seriously, it’s none of your concern. Can you handle it pag nag kagulo sila dahil sa’yo? Tuluyang iwanan ang asawa at pabayaan ang mga anak. Gusto kaya ng mga anak nila na mag kahiwalay ang magulang nila? There are so many things you have to consider and if you will be the bearer of the this very bad news to the family, specially to the wife, you have to back it up with supporting evidences; and back them up with your support as well. Your concern to them should not end once you deliver the news because you know what, counting other people’s sins does not make you a saint. If you’re bothered by them, by all means, get out of that house Things will always have a funny way of getting themselves revealed. So let them be and mind your own business.



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