Useless Matters of the Heart


Useless Matters of the Heart

October 9, 2015


    Dear Dj Chloe,

    Two years ago I was with a guy who dumped me for some girl he met in some re-fresher course he enrolled himself to. I was trusting him so much  that he was just “studying” because we had plans for the future like normal people do in a relationship. We had fights but most of them are petty but we usually fight over his jealousy which I can somehow handle. Until one day the fight went out of hand and we stopped talking for almost two week. I just knew that I was blocked from his Facebook account. And when I stalked him through a friend’s profile he got a new profile photo. I also learned that while we’re still together they are already in a relationship.

    Fast forward! After two years, his current girlfriend asked me if his boyfriend is still communicating with me. I want to fall from my seat because I’m silent all these years after being dumped. The girl keeps on messaging me and some of it are very offensive. So I chose to deactivate my Facebook. I’m not sure what she’ll do later on. Am I doing the right thing?

    Miss Dumped


    Hi Miss Dumped,

    Oh well, being dumped is one of the most hurting and frustrating thing that can happen to anyone. It was good enough that you just decided to move on with your life after being “dumped”. I couldn’t blame you for deciding to just let them be after finding out that you have been dumped. It shows you’re wise enough to choose your battles, you know that peace is far better than winning any fight. As with the recent happening, you’re being harassed by the current girlfriend. Well, it only shows how insecure she is in her relationship with your ex. Maybe she doesn’t feel secure. She probably feels unloved or maybe she found out that her boyfriend has some kind of an unfinished business in the past. It is really up to both of them to resolve their own issues and you have nothing to do with it anymore. You did the right thing, by not answering, by not making patol. It shows you have totally moved on and it shows you would never stoop down to her level. It’s really important not to let other people drag you and your name in their own messy life. walking away is the best explanation in your case..besides you don’t owe them any explanation at all. It wasn’t the other girl’s fault also that she now feels insecure, maybe she wasn’t aware that there was YOU before she came in the picture. Don’t bother yourself anymore with them or anything concerning them. Life is too short to be spending time on useless matters of the heart.

    Good luck,



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