Words are cheap


Words are cheap

September 21, 2015


    Hi Dj Chloe,

    I have a problem. Can you please help me? There’s a guy who likes me and is willing to marry me even if I already have a kid. What he knows is I’m a single mom. I really am a single mom because my live-in partner doesn’t love me anymore. We’re only staying together because of our child. I have this feeling that I like this guy as well; however, we haven’t seen each other personally. He actually wants to see me and introduce to his family as his soon-to-be-wife. The big problem is I can’t tell him that I am not really separated with my live-in partner because we still see each other, which will be our permanent setup because of our child? What should I tell him that won’t make him mad? I don’t want him to go away. Please help me.

    Ms. Violet

    Dear Ms. Violet,
    Hindi ka single mom kasi kasama mo pa ang tatay ng anak mo. A single mother is someone who is literally alone, being a father and a mother. Since you are still with the father of your child that makes him your common law husband. Seriously? Is the other guy a foreigner? Because you said you haven’t met him yet? Or taga karatig bario lang? Why are you committing yourself to him when in fact you are still committed to someone else? You are trouble waiting to happen. Just because he said he will do this and that doesn’t mean he will really do it. Words are words and words are cheap. Words are the easiest thing to say. Love is not what you say. Love is what you do. You can’t start anything with this guy unless you’re done with the other. You are fooling both of them, deceiving the other guy and cheating on your current partner. Please come to terms with yourself, if you’re not happy with the current talk to him and part ways but make sure ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANOTHER MAN. Good luck.



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