3  Health Habits You Thought Were Right But You Should Really Avoid


3  Health Habits You Thought Were Right But You Should Really Avoid

Adi Miguel

May 25, 2016


    When you get to the world of yuppies, you’ll become conscious on your health habits. And you might not know that there are some practices that you thought are good but they are actually not.



    Yes, it’s not a joke. The packaging has an effect on your healthy living.

    According to refinery29.com, there was a recent study where two participants were given trail mix snacks (a snack of mixed nuts and dried fruits) with “fitness” on its label and those who were given with the label “trail mix”.

    The participants with “fitness” label on their trail mix put less effort on their workout later.

    The things is when we see words that are synonymous or related to “fitness”, we subconsciously feel that we’ve done enough work–and that we have chosen a healthier option. Or we get to believe that these products have complemented the little work we’ve done.

    This kind of thinking might affect our behavior later on. So instead of looking for food with fitness-y packaging, be on the lookout for ‘real’ healthy foods.



    Most of us rely on morning coffee to get us through the day. It’s the first thing we really look for the moment we get off from bed. Say hello to your reflexes.

    However, according to refinery29.com said, to get the boost that we need for the long day, we just got to delay our coffee for an hour from the moment you wake up. We know that it’s your dextrose. But by waiting for an hour, we’ll be carrying our body’s cortisol (our hormones responding to stress), which makes us naturally alert. Otherwise, that morning rush to the kitchen for a cup coffee will just block the cortisol and caffeine might be less effective.



    We know how important it is to get a good night sleep. Especially for the yuppies, it’s one of the things that we have to get to perform well in our workplaces.

    Joyce Walsleben, PhD, of New York University’s Sleep Disorders Center, said that, one of the most powerful strategy is to remove everything that reminds of the passage of time. Yep, it includes clocks and anything blinking.

    So we say, for a productive day, cut the bad habit away!


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