4 dishes every Filipino moms do best


4 dishes every Filipino moms do best

Albert Rosales

May 2, 2022

  • Moms Dishes

    Just like the saying, “Mother knows best” our moms also know how to cook the best version of every meal. They have a way to satisfy our taste buds and improve our mood no matter what the situation is. 

    With this in mind, here are the top 5 dishes every Filipino claims that their mom cooks the best:


    Whether it is pork, chicken or veggies, your mother’s Adobo is a sure hit in every fiesta and family gathering. There are a lot of ways on how to cook this dish. Some marinate it first with soy sauce and vinegar while others sauté it first before pouring the sauce.



    Leche Flan

    Arguably the king of all Filipino desserts (Excuse me Halo-halo but you have leche flan on top of you, literally) leche flan is one of those desserts that Filipino gatherings can’t live without. Every Filipino mom sure has a different way on how they make leche flan. But each of them has a way into our sweet tooth.



    Another classic Filipino dish, the argument is still up whether kare-kare or adobo should be Filipino’s national dish. Anyhow, kare-kare is also one of the special dishes our mothers prepare when there’s a visitor or special occasions. Despite its many versions and upgrades, there’s no doubt that kare-kare remains one of the favorite among Filipino dishes, especially if our moms cook it for us.




    You actually read it right, there is a big confusion between these 4 dishes so we ought to just include all of them and just count it as one. Regardless, all these dishes represent our happy childhood whenever our mom cooks these for special occasions.



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