5 top tips to enjoy the festive food you love at Christmas


5 top tips to enjoy the festive food you love at Christmas

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

December 12, 2022

  • Let’s face it. We know that during the holiday season, we eat a lot. A lot! We are surrounded by the wonderful dishes of what we so-called, “Noche Buena”. All the festive goodies that are packed with sugar, and all sorts of other processed ingredients that are, to be honest, not so good for us! For us Filipinos, joyous family reunions are not complete without an abundance of food on our table. It’s a fact that it is realistically impossible to finish all the dishes in one sitting but hey, that’s what makes us Filipino! Just keep in mind that you have your Tupperware beside you for all the leftovers! *wink*.

    As food lovers, holidays give us the experience to indulge in great food especially when it’s Christmas. Some of us may follow a strict diet most of the time. Oh, come on! It’s Christmas time people! Indulging a little over Christmas should be guilt-free. Feel good about yourself and enjoy the rest of the holidays with your friends and families.

    We’ve put together some basic tips to help you set yourself up for success and be in moderation without depriving yourself.

    1. Allow yourself to enjoy

    Feeling guilty about eating the food that you love at Christmas is good for nothing! Feeling guilty will just increase your stress levels and may affect both your mental and physical health. Allowing yourself to indulge a little over Christmas will help eliminate any negative feelings and will let you be at peace with yourself which means you can enjoy the festivities without beating yourself up! We are not saying to eat as much as you can at every meal, remember, balance and moderation is the key, Choosing not to feel guilty about that slice of Excellente Ham or your favorite Triple Chocolate Cake will help you enjoy the moment much more.

    2. Think realistically

    Depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy while the others around you indulge, may cause you to overeat and feel stressed about it. It will just trigger a response to suddenly eat more than you would originally have done. You could try the 80:20 principle. You can try eating 80 percent of nutritious foods (which of course the traditional Christmas roast is full of protein, vegetables, and all foods with fiber!) then 20 percent with any food you’d like to indulge in with no feelings of remorse! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself with your food choices at Christmas, you will not succeed!

    3. Eat consciously

    Don’t be in a rush when you are eating. Take the time to look at the food you are about to eat, taste every mouthful, and be present during mealtimes. Our body needs to absorb nutrients, it helps to reduce bloating, acid reflux, and stress! Slow down and observe what you eat to prevent overeating! Remember, it takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to signal back to your brain that it’s full. Aim to win the slow race at the table!

    4. Hydrate yourself

    Set yourself up for success by drinking a glass of water when you wake up every morning before doing anything else! Try drinking warm water with a slice of lemon for this will help get your digestion moving! Alcohols are everywhere during the holidays; we all know that! Try to drink water between alcoholic drinks and make sure you drink plenty of water before you go to bed. This will help to prevent dehydration caused by drinking alcohol and headache the next day! Take in mind that alcohol is full of empty calories, so avoiding eating a meal just to compensate for drinking won’t do you any favors!

    5. Stay active

    Try to be active as you can over the festive period as this will help burn off the extra calories. Yes, we need that! Taking a run or a simple walk can be sociable and great for all the family to join in. Being outside in the fresh air is good for our mental well-being and can boost our mental health too! You can also try dancing, sprinting, or power walking to reap the benefits. Exercising regularly will also help you to eliminate toxins from your body.

    Christmas is a celebration and optimal well-being is about balance and moderation. You don’t need to deprive yourself. Enjoy indulging in what you love but also without losing control of what you eat and drink!


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