5 Usual Foods That Were Created Unexpectedly


5 Usual Foods That Were Created Unexpectedly

Adi Miguel

July 13, 2016

  • 5-Usual-Foods-That-Were-Created-Unexpectedly

    And you never thought that the foods you were munching and drinking and enjoying over the years were not really expected to happen…and change the course of food industry.

    1. Sandwich


    Who would have thought that this portable food is a result of being competitive?

    So there’s this guy named John Montagu who took his cribbage games seriously. One day he had this very challenging match but his tummy started to feel the hunger. He wanted to have the best of both worlds — to go on with his game while eating.

    With that, he asked his servant to put on his typical meat in between two pieces of bread.

    The idea was fine with everyone because they have this thought that utensils are overrated.

    2. Potato Chips


    Since 1853 potato chips are already available. It originated when a customer decided to be difficult to at “Moon Lake House” in Saratoga Springs, New York. The chef is George Crum.

    The said customer sent back his fried potatoes because they were too thick.

    Crum back then reached his limits that he sliced the stash of potatoes as thin as he physically could before frying them.

    Crum was thinking back then that this is a punishment for his customer. But it was the other way around. The customer told everyone about Crum and his restaurant.

    Soon, all the restaurants in the region sold “Saratoga Chips” that we all know as potato chips today.

    3. Popsicles


    Will you be insulted if you’ll know that the person behind Popsicle is only eleven when he discovered it.

    In 1905, Frank Epperson, left his stirring stick in a cup of soda on his front porch overnight.

    Frank lived in San Francisco and it was super freezing that year. When he woke up the next day he grabbed the stirring stick and tadah! Popsicle was born!

    After nine years, Frank patented his invention with the term “Popsicle.”

    4. Ice cream cone


    We all won’t be amazed and so hooked with ice cream cones was not invented.

    In 1904 at the World’s Fair in St. Louis and ice cream vendor ran out of dishes because everyone wanted ice cream.

    Ernest Hamwi, who’s selling waffle-like zalabia pastries right next to the ice cream booth, saved the day by rolling the waffle into a cone where a scoop or two of ice cream can fit.

    Hamwi’s ingenuity that day made history until this very day.

    5. Beer


    Let’s admit it, beer is one of the greatest invention in the history of food.

    Thanks to the Ancient Mesopotamia 10,000 years ago! They were still figuring farming back then when they thought that it’s good to store their grains in an area that was susceptible to becoming damp on rainy season. The dampness made the stored grains to ferment. It resulted in a strange liquid.

    One Mesopotamian thought that it’ll be good to drink. And yes, today, different kinds of beer are invented around the world!

    (SOURCE: Tastemade)


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