Celebrate Buwan ng Wika with these classic Filipino dishes!


Celebrate Buwan ng Wika with these classic Filipino dishes!

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

August 14, 2023

  • Buwan ng Wika celebrates our Filipino identity, language, and of course, culture. What better way to do so than by savoring the rich, diverse flavors of classic Filipino dishes? We not only pay homage to the traditions that have shaped our cuisine but also embrace the ever-evolving nature of our culture.



    Adobo, often dubbed as the national dish of the Philippines, is a culinary masterpiece that exemplifies the art of Filipino cooking. This savory delight is made by marinating meat, typically chicken or pork, in a blend of vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorns. The marinated meat is then simmered until tender, creating a harmonious fusion of flavors that dance on the palate.


    Adobo represents the harmonious blend of indigenous Filipino ingredients with Spanish influences which reflects the country’s rich history. As you savor each bite of adobo, you are not only celebrating the Filipino language but also paying homage to the cultural heritage that defines the nation.



    Sinigang is another Filipino favorite that showcases the Filipino penchant for balancing flavors. This sour soup features a mix of vegetables, often including kangkong, okra, and eggplant, cooked in a tangy tamarind-based broth (sinigang mix). The addition of pork, shrimp, or fish completes the dish, adding a rich depth of taste.


    Sinigang is a testament to the Filipino palate’s love for bold contrasts, with its interplay of sourness and savory notes. As you enjoy a comforting bowl of sinigang, you are not only celebrating the Filipino language but also the country’s ability to create harmony from diverse elements.



    Kare-Kare is a complex and indulgent Filipino stew that showcases the country’s culinary ingenuity. Made with oxtail, tripe, and vegetables, this dish is renowned for its rich and creamy peanut sauce. Yes, peanut butter because why not? This is also often served with bagoong (fermented shrimp paste) on the side, adding an umami punch that elevates the flavors.


    The unique blend of textures and flavors in Kare-Kare mirrors the intricate layers of the Filipino language and culture. The dish’s preparation requires patience and attention to detail, much like the way language evolves and adapts over time.



    Caldereta is a dish that elevates warmth and heartiness of Filipino comfort food. This stew, typically made with tender chunks of meat (beef, goat, or sometimes pork) which then simmered to perfection in a luscious tomato-based sauce. It is also often characterized using liver spread, bell peppers, olives, and potatoes.


    The origins of Caldereta can be traced back to Spanish influence during colonial times, as the name itself is derived from the Spanish word “caldero,” meaning cauldron. The dish has since evolved, embracing local ingredients and culinary creativity and the process of slow cooking the meat and allowing the flavors to meld creates a symphony of taste that tells a story of tradition and innovation.



    Lechon, often hailed as the “king of Filipino fiestas,” is a feast that embodies celebration and extravagance. Whole pigs are meticulously prepared and roasted over an open flame or in specialized ovens, resulting in succulent, crispy skin and tender, flavorful meat. The art of making Lechon is a labor of love, involving a careful balance of seasoning, temperature, and technique.


    The allure of Lechon extends beyond its delectable taste—it’s an integral part of Filipino culture, often served as the centerpiece of special occasions, from birthdays to weddings and fiestas.


    As we gather around the table to enjoy these time-honored dishes, we honor the past, present, and future of our language and heritage. This Buwan ng Wika, let the symphony of flavors transport you on a journey through the heart and soul of the Philippines, and may each bite remind you of the beauty and richness of our beloved language.


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