Choose Pinoy: Benefits of buying locally produced foods


Choose Pinoy: Benefits of buying locally produced foods

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

June 19, 2023

  • The Philippines, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse natural resources, is home to a multitude of local goods that deserve our attention and support. Let us know the reasons why we should prioritize buying and promoting Philippines’ local goods. 

    Local foods are grown and produced locally to where we live. It can include dairy, eggs, or even meat. It is usually near the physical centers of our communities and the places we spend time. Whether it is in your town or in a nearby city, then it is considered local food. From supporting the local economy to promoting environmental sustainability, here are some of the significant benefits of choosing local food. 

    Fresher and more nutritious 

    Of course, we want our food packed with nutrients! One of the most compelling reasons why we should choose local food is the superior taste and nutritional value that it offers. Locally grown fruits, vegetables, and other produce are often picked at their peak ripeness and transported shorter distances to the consumer. This results in fresher food with higher nutrient content compared to products that travel long distances and spend time in storage. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. You get to enjoy the full flavors of the seasonal produce while maximizing its nutritional benefits. 

    Environmental Sustainability 

    Opting for local food has a positive impact on the environment. Patronizing products made locally only requires fewer transportation miles so, this means carbon emissions are reduced because there is no need to ship long-distance. Less reliance on fossil fuels and a smaller carbon footprint, also!  

    Support for Local Economy 

    Choosing local food helps foster economic growth in your community. When you purchase directly from local farmers, growers, and artisans, a significant portion of your money stays within the local economy. In return this would support small-scale farmers, promote job creation and help sustain the agricultural industry. 

    Quality and Uniqueness 

    To further showcase exceptional craftsmanship and superior quality made by our skilled artisans and local craftsmen, let us continue to support our local goods! We want to purchase products that are 100% Philippine-made! Filipinos take pride in their work, investing time and effort into creating products of exceptional value. By opting for local products, we can access that these local goods are of high-quality with a sense of artistry, authenticity, and attention to detail. 

     Choosing locally grown food is a powerful way to contribute to a healthier environment. By reducing carbon emissions, conserving energy, and water resources, promoting biodiversity, and supporting local economies, individuals can make a positive impact on the planet. It would also allow consumers to enjoy fresher, more flavorful produce while fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the food they eat.

    By making informed choices about the origin of our food, we can work collectively towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. It’s not yet too late! 




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