COFFEE: The very reason why there's "us" and everything else


COFFEE: The very reason why there’s “us” and everything else

December 8, 2015

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    When you graduate from college and enter the yuppie world, you will get to encounter “working breaks”–days when you eat and work at the same time. And that’s when you know that you are an average multi-tasker. More than eating and working at the same time is already the “Ninja” level.

    But are you aware that you learn to drink coffee big time when you started working? You’re so sleepy at work, you get a cup of coffee. You attend meetings, whether it’s dine out or what, you’ll drink a cup after. You hang out with the bosses, for sure, they will look for a cafe other than Starbucks. You meet with your college friends, you set it on a cafe.

    Coffee is a universal drink at work. Everybody, in one way or another, has drunk a cup of coffee.

    And even when you start to date, coffee won’t be out of the offers. I promise.

    When I started dating Chad, our spot would always be Starbucks at Harbour Square along CCP Complex. Well, because it’s the nearest cafe in our office and it’s the only coffee shop in the area.

    As a newbie in the office then, I am not yet interested to be in a relationship or in any attachments. But I gave in to the “quick coffee” offer.

    When Chad asked for dinner or lunch with him I always said no. But when he asks for “quick coffee”, it seemed that I was having a hard time to reject him. Little did I know that those quick grab for coffee are his ways to get to know me. Well, he really did a great job.

    Over coffee we got to know how our past relationships went and how we want our future be. Over coffee we knew each others’ stress in work and how much we love it. Over a cup of coffee after work we knew how crazy we are. Over coffee on cigarettes breaks he said his feelings. Over a cup of coffee with fresh milk I said my fears. Over a cup of java chip frappuccino he assured me. Over a cup of caramel macchiato with cinnamon bread on the side I said yes. Over a cup of brewed coffee we quarrel and talk about things that bother us. Over coffee we almost lost each other. Over a cup of coffee we are becoming stronger.

    And better.

    I guess, Chad and I are like the coffee we drink. Sometimes we add sugar to make it sweet. There are times that we just let it and accept its flaws and strengths. Sometimes we add cinnamon to spice things up.

    We’re like coffee. It doesn’t always taste good but it’s part of your every day.

    Chad and I are not always good together but we’re not already used on being apart from each other.


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