Food for your libido: Top 5 foods that will put you in the mood


Food for your libido: Top 5 foods that will put you in the mood

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

February 9, 2023

  • Okay, let’s be honest. Most people have days when they’re just not in the mood. It’s considerable if it’s just Valentine’s Day but what if you have a low sex drive all year-round? Well, that could put some strain on your relationship. Food and sex are closely linked to both romantic meals, and sweet treats. We’ve been firm believers in aphrodisiacs for about as long as we’ve been preparing food. But are there foods that make you boost your libido? 

    Officially, the science is still out on whether certain foods can increase libido. But many researchers suspect that some foods do have those qualities. Just like foods that can increase your level of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter linked to libido and sexual functioning. 

    Here are the foods you might want to reach:



    Their appearance isn’t just suggestive. Lol, I know what you’re thinking, sweetie. *wink* Eating an oyster and the sensual experience of eating it is part of its aphrodisiac powers. They are also high in zinc, which can boost semen production and regulate sexual hormones.  


    They’re loaded with minerals and monounsaturated fats which help protect the heart and are full of vitamin B6 which helps keep your energy and sex drive up, helping you last longer. 


    Strawberries are high in vitamin C, a vitamin that might boost libido. 

    For men, strawberries might also be beneficial if you are hoping to conceive. They have folic acid, which the body uses to create sperm cells. 


    Who doesn’t like it hot? Spicy food warms you up, gets your heart pumping, stimulates nerve endings, and increases blood flow. Just make sure you wash your hands after… Lol! 


    Eating chocolate makes you feel good, even euphoric. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which boosts serotonin levels – the feel-good hormone. Chocolate lovers, you know the game.  


    There are a variety of different approaches that may enhance your sex drive naturally. However, it won’t hurt if you’ll try eating these foods before you go for (you know what I mean). Find out what works best for you and your partner! 


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