Foods you should avoid during the hot dry season


Foods you should avoid during the hot dry season

Albert Rosales

March 21, 2022

  • Hot Dry Season

    Foods you should avoid during the hot dry season

    Dry season is here, Sweetie! Of course, there will be a lot of precautions needed so we can stay healthy despite the high temperature. One of these is to intake the right food in order to stay hydrated. Hot temperature induced efforts to stay cool.

    However, there are also some foods that WE MUST avoid since it’ll bring more bad than good effects in our body. Here are some of those:

    Ice Cream

    This may seem a bit weird but we must regulate our ice cream intake every hot dry season. Although ice cream is technically cold in nature, it contains high amounts of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates which makes our body temperature higher while digesting. In addition to that, store-bought ice cream develops bacteria due to a high temperature. Finally, consuming ice cream after being exposed to sunlight may result in sore throat and fever.

    Fried Food

    Deep fried foods usually take a long time to digest which makes your body bloated. Also, these foods can make your skin oilier during the hot dry season. As a result, there’s a higher chance that you will get skin problems like acne.


    Mango is a go-to fruit every hot dry season since it is abundant during this time. However, consuming too much of this fruit can have a bad effect on our body. Mango contains natural sugar and having an excess of it can cause skin infection and increase body heat. On top of that, too much intake can also give you diarrhea, upset stomach, and headaches.

    Spicy Foods

    Eating too much spicy foods during the hot dry season could cause a lot of complications. For instance, capsaicin found in chili pepper can disturb our food digestion and increase our body temperature. As a result, there will be an excessive amount of which can lead to dehydration.

    Tips on How to Stay Cool During the Hot Dry Season

    Using jasmine and khus oil during the hot dry season makes our body calm to regulate its temperature. Aside from that, using coconut oil for a body massage before taking a shower is also an effective way to reduce our body temperature. Finally, make sure to always eat on time and to NEVER skip lunch since that is when the digestive system is at its peak. 


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