Here's what your cravings mean


Here’s what your cravings mean

Mitzi Santos

April 26, 2021


    What do you usually do when you crave something? You just get what you are craving or if it’s not available, you just grab whatever is closer to the exact food that you have been craving.

    Don’t try to deny it because for sure you are not the only one who has given in with their cravings. But do you know that this behavior is more than just a craving. Your body could be giving you a signal that you need something.

    According to, you must face your cravings head on because cravings are indications that you are lacking something. One example is when you crave chocolates, most likely you are low on magnesium.

    Sugar cravings is an indication that you are lacking in essential vitamins and minerals like Chromium, Sulfur and other minerals needed for optimum brain health. It can also indicate that your blood sugar level has dropped.

    When you are low on sodium and calcium, most likely you will crave carbs and when you crave something salty, it means that you are feeling more stressed lately. You better manage whatever is causing you that stress.

    It is important that you determine what you crave and you address the deficiency in the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Sometimes, hydrating is the only answer. Water helps in hydration but if the craving is still there you better, you can still have the food that you have been craving just put it in moderation.

    Consult a doctor for a professional advice whenever you are in doubt. These cravings might be something serious and it is better to have yourselves checked.

    Don’t forget to comment your common cravings and how you deal about it in the comment section.


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