How do you show your support to local food business?


How do you show your support to local food business?

Cai Camua

July 13, 2020

  • We are all spenders, whether we admit that or not. We tend to spend money or save up for necessities and things we simply find interesting or catch our attention. That is why advertisements are effective and also very expensive because it persuades us to buy something that we think we need. Thus, products from big companies are usually the ones we notice first and remember for they are more exposed and known by people.

    This time, in our more digital and modernized generation, we have learned to love and appreciate locally made products more since we now could easily discover various small local businesses through social media applications that we usually use! We can now show more support to our friends and families’ small businesses by simply sharing and letting the people online know!

    This allows us to not just try various products that are locally made, but also help fellow small Filipinos get the recognition they deserve! Proud Pinoy and proud customer!

    There are a lot of forms on how you can show your support to one’s business. But there are simpler ways you can do. If you are the type of person who doesn’t post much, a little shy and awkward online, or doesn’t like to share much, this will never be a problem.

    So, how can you show your support to one’s business or product? Here’s what you can do:

    1. Rate their product – If the seller asks you to at least give a star or rate their product/s do not be hesitant because by that you already helped them through showing satisfaction as a consumer. Leaving reviews may help other customers notice their products more. Remember, you also look for the ratings first before buying.

    2. Recommend the product to someone – This could be your family member, friend or a colleague, nothing specific. You can ask them to at least mention you as the one who recommended the product and that will help spread the word! The business owners will definitely be grateful for your help!

    3. Help them grow their community – By liking or supporting their social media accounts. You can share their page and spread it to your online community. Don’t worry, nothing’s wrong with liking or following pages, at least you get to be updated if they have new products that you might like.

    So, if have you reached here, you might want to start helping others and treat yourself by showing support to these small businesses:




    Also to this one, who would surely benefit the people who needs more of your support!


    There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you have helped someone. This moment is the perfect time to help each other and show your support to those people who are trying their very best to survive from everything that is happening. Show your support now, don’t be shy!


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