9 Lines You Always Hear From Mom Whenever You Cook


9 Lines You Always Hear From Mom Whenever You Cook

Adi Miguel

March 30, 2016

  • 8-Lines-You-Always-Hear-From-Mom-Whenever-You-Cook

    You thought that she’s just trying to be an executive chef in your house, but her motherhood taught her so much about the kitchen. And even on this, she doesn’t want you to go to the wrong path.

    1. “Siguraduhin mong mainit ang kawali bago mo lagyan ng mantika.”

    You’re still getting the pan and preparing all the things that you’ll use for cooking and here’s your mom, like a recorder, reminding you to have the pan warm enough before drizzling the right amount of oil so the food won’t stick.

    And still you don’t listen to her, until you just proved that moms know best.

    2. “Painitin mo muna ‘yung mantika bago mo pirituhin ‘yung ulam.”

    One day, you just dipped the chicken, the oil’s not yet warm, and found yourself using all the utensils at home to remove the chicken from being stuck on the pan.

    One point goes to mom.

    3. “‘Wag mong lalagyan ng mantika ‘pag basa pa ang kawali.”

    Because you thought you’re a master chef, you put some oil while the pan’s still wet with water. Poof! Instant fireworks in your kitchen. Bravo!

    And mom be like…

    via GIPHY


    4. “Itabi mo ‘yung pangalawang pinaghugasan ng bigas.”

    This is one of the best things you’ll keep in your heart forever when cooking.

    That hugas-bigas is perfect for your tinola, sinigang, or nilaga. We are all forever thankful for this cooking technique mom passed on to us. <3 <3 to mom.

    5. “Hugasan mo muna ‘yung mga ginamit mo.”

    We all thought that mom’s too OC; not helping us do things in the kitchen. But when you have your own space, you’ll be thankful mom taught you this.

    Sanitation and hygiene are important when it comes to cooking. Mom said, kitchen utensils must not be exposed on dirt and raw things because it can form bacteria.

    6. “‘Pag ‘di na masyadong tumutunog, pwede mo nang baliktarin.”

    This is an epic cooking technique that we didn’t think will work especially when you’re frying fish. You know that it’s already cooked when it’s not splashing oil anymore. It’s actually the safest time to flip your fish.

    10 points to mom!

    7. “Ang bango naman ng niluluto mo.”

    Even if you’re just sautéing garlic and onion. Hahahahaha! That’s how supportive moms are.

    8.”‘Wag mong buksan nang buksan ang takip, hindi maluluto.”

    And again, you realize that your excitement, which makes you remove the cover, doesn’t really help in cooking.

    9. “Ma, okay na ba ‘to?” “Tikman mo.”

    The secret to a sumptuous meal brought to us by our moms is tasting the dish. Yep, there’s no such thing as secret ingredient. It’s the only key to make great meals for the family. You’ll only get this when you get to cook for your own family and say, “Mom was so right there.”


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