Oatmeal In A Jar


Oatmeal In A Jar

Mia Tiburcio

July 26, 2016


    Our intern, Mia Tiburcio from De La Salle University, shared her Oatmeal In A Jar recipe! Believe it or not, we were all amazed on how she’s doing it and consistently eating it! Few more amazement on this kid and we’re all gonna turn our healthy-living buttons on! We’ve tasted it, it’s real that you can eat it everyday of your life!


    Before I begin, I want to let you all know that I am no food nutritionist or fitness guru. I’m just like everyone else who wants to cut down snacking on unhealthy munchies.

    For the past weeks, I have been experimenting on “OATMEAL IN A JAR” and bringing it to the office. It’s not surprise people at the station became intrigued with my “baon”. As fascinating as it is, it’s not as complicated to make.

    Oatmeal facts


    Oat is a type of cereal grain akin to other grain produce such as wheat. It can be rolled, crushed and even ground to make some flour. They are considered one of the healthiest foods because it is low in calories, a substitute of carbohydrates that we usually get from rice and it has nutrients that can keep you energized throughout the day. It also has a lot of benefits to your health such as reducing the risk of diabetes, lower bad cholesterol, control blood pressure and especially improve your metabolism by controlling the appetite hormones. And there’s so much you can do with it!

    Some stuff you might need (of course, other than your oats):

    • A mason jar (or any container you prefer)
      • I personally like using a mason jar because I could easily put it inside the fridge since I like my oatmeal a bit cold. Plus, it makes it look cute and fancy. Hehe!
    • A long spoon (or any spoon that can fit and reach your munchies).
    • An array of fruits that you would like for more added nutrition and flavor.
    • A bunch of other stuff such as peanut butter, jams, nuts, cinnamon or whatever you want to spice up your oatmeal game.
    • Some milk, or other dairy products such as yogurt, to bind everything together. If you’re lactose intolerant (meaning you can’t have dairy), try using soy milk instead.


    And my secret ingredient: Chia Seeds

    These tiny little balls seems so small right now, but once they absorb all the liquid from the jar, they will expand forming a jelly like coating around it. Chia seeds come from a flowering plant that is native to the southern regions of Mexico. Some even say that it is the “Super food” of the Aztecs. It is rich in Omega-3, vitamin B and even calcium to a certain amount, not to mention also low in calories. You can literally add them to anything, from drinks to bread or desserts, and of course, your oatmeal!


    But to be honest with you, instead of just eating my oats as a snack, I’ve now turned it into a rice meal replacement, usually as breakfast or a quick lunch at the office before it gets hectic again. It’s such a good alternative away from your usual fast food or karinderya meals. So go ahead and whip yourself some good ol’ oatmeal!


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