Smoking: The hottest food trend that’s on fire!


Smoking: The hottest food trend that’s on fire!

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

July 31, 2023



    From our all-time favorite grilled isaw, pig’s ears (tenga ng baboy), betamax to indulging ourselves with the world’s famous unlimited samgyeopsal, there’s no wonder that this food trend of smoking the food makes a sizzlin’ hot entrance! Smoking is now igniting the culinary world with its alluring aromas and tantalizing tastes. Yes! You heard it right! From upscale restaurants to our own cozy home kitchens, smoking is rapidly gaining popularity as the hottest culinary technique of the moment. Let’s now explore why smoking has emerged as the newest food trend and how it’s captivating taste buds and transforming dishes worldwide. 

    The Allure of Smoky Flavors 

    At the heart of the smoking trend lies its ability to delight our taste buds with its irresistible smoky flavors. As the smoke from burning wood chips envelopes the food, it imparts a distinct and aromatic taste that captivates the senses. From savory meats like ribs, brisket, and chicken to unique items like smoked cheeses and vegetables, the range of possibilities to experiment with smoking flavors seems endless. 

    Adding smoky flavors to the food just adds a mysterious and alluring touch to familiar foods which creates an unforgettable dining experience. 

    Creative Smoking Techniques 

    Beyond the traditional approach of just using wood for grilling, there are contemporary chefs that have pushed the boundaries of smoking techniques. Experimenting with various types of wood, herbs, spices, and even unconventional ingredients will surely add a unique twist to the smoked dishes. 

    Using a smoking gun to infuse will quickly burst the smoky flavor of the food. Others have delved into molecular gastronomy, which employs the use of vacuum chambers to infuse ingredients with you know, the smoky goodness! 

    Artistry and Presentation 

    Smoking has brought a new level of artistry and presentation to the dining table. Some restaurants have already adopted the smoking trend not only for the taste but also for the visual appeal it adds to dishes. Domes filled with smoke are dramatically lifted to reveal the perfectly smoked dish underneath, leaving diners in awe of this beautiful theatrical presentation. Presentation wise? 100%. 

    Fusion of Tradition and Innovation 

    Smoking may be an age-old cooking method, but today’s culinary enthusiasts are reinventing it with innovative twists. Who doesn’t want something new in the culinary world, right? 

    Innovative chefs and home cooks are pushing the boundaries by experimenting with different woods and herbs, introducing unconventional ingredients into the smoking process, and even utilizing smoking techniques for non-traditional foods like cocktails and desserts. From smoked cocktails with infused smoky flavors to smoked cheeses with unique herb blends, the possibilities are limitless! 

    Healthier Cooking 

    There’s no better reason why smoking as a trend is the best culinary technique that we could ask for! Healthy cooking is the best! Smoking allows for the use of leaner meats, and the slow cooking process helps render excess fat, resulting in healthier, juicier dishes.  

    Moreover, smoking does not require excessive amounts of oil or butter, which further promotes a balanced and nutritious dining experience. Health-conscious individuals, this is the new way to enjoy flavorful meals without compromising their dietary goals. 


    So, if you’re ready to elevate your taste experience and join the smokin’ bandwagon, strap on your apron, fire up the grill, and embark on an epicurean adventure that’s taking the world by storm. It’s never too late to transform your ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary delights. Happy smoking! 



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