The Perfect Beer Combination


The Perfect Beer Combination

Adi Miguel

November 14, 2015


    Since Filipinos are very conservative, we had this passed-on belief that we’re not safe with any alcoholic drink; that we must feel guilty with a drop of it in our tongues. However, little by little, with the influence of Westerners we became liberal and proved that even Jesus drank before. It became clear to us that alcohol is before us and the Holiest of the holies had it. So it’s not really harmful.

    Another, we had this connotation that whatever you eat with beer is called “pulutan”. It’s like your side dish with any alcoholic drink. But that’s not the case today. Beer comes now with water, fruit juices, and soda in the list. There’s nothing special with it anymore. In fact, some of the buffet restaurants we have in the metro offer unlimited beer.

    With that, we came up with a list of Pinoy dishes that are best of friends with beer. In short, they blend well perfectly.

    1. TAPSILOG ft. BEER

    “No! You can’t drink beer in the morning!”

    We say, we know! You don’t only eat tapsilog in the morning. Yep! Silog houses are available everywhere and some of them are up 24/7!

    We hope that you’ll taste the best tapa. Tapang Taal from Batangas is highly recommended. We give thumbs-up for that with beer!

    You can try it with other silogs like tocilog, hotsilog, hamsilog and the others. But we say, you should give your first meal with beer to tapsilog.

    1. PANCIT CANTON (Lucky Me!) ft. BEER

    Uh-huh! One of the staple foods of the Filipino people is okay with beer.

    Well, this one won’t really be perfect. It depends upon the foodie if they’ll be okay with the blend. But we suggest that you try it with chilimansi. And yeah, it’s good for a movie night alone.

    1. SISIG W/ RICE ft. BEER

    We are so used to see sisig and beer together. But since sisig can come now with rice, it’s a bit different. It becomes a meal. For some sisig w/ rice and beer will be a bit weird. But actually, it’s not really bad. It’s just like eating it the usual way. We suggest that you try this!

    1. PARES ft. BEER

    There are a lot of pares corners in the metro. But we highly recommend that you get dirty once in a while and love the streets of Manila.

    Hope you can find a pares cart. A lot of it are along Taft avenue. Look for universities and you’ll find them there. Yes, the pares where you have to eat while standing. It might be a little hustle but the satisfaction will make you say that it’s worth it.

    The warm soup and the other ingredients in it with fried rice is perfect with beer. They blend well together. Try putting some vinegar, soy sauce, and pepper in your viand, it’s papaitan’s long lost cousin! Try this and let the Pinoy in you come out.


    There are a lot of choices in the grilled station. We suggest that you take for granted barbecue and grilled hotdog for a while.

    Try isaw, betamax, adidas, and others with rice and beer! This match is perfect and fantastic. Add up your friends and it’ll surely be a good meal!

    We, Filipinos, are not really picky eaters. With a meal that can suffice plus friends and laughter, it will always be a good meal!

    There will always be a perfect combination with beer for you, why not comment in below and let others try it too.


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