Tip: Always treat your server with respect!


Tip: Always treat your server with respect!

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

January 17, 2023

  • Your server is a human who deserves to be treated with dignity. We should treat them equally.  

    Showing good manners and class at a restaurant starts with how you deal with the wait staff. Your money does not give you the right to be abusive toward your waiter!  

    If the service is poor and the food is not up to your standards. You can complain, but you don’t have to shout or do anything bad to your server. It’s usually best to have your complaints with the manager and tell him/her about your negative experience but not to the server because it’s not beyond their power to change. 


    Here are eight ways to help them out and show them respect:

    1. Instead of waving, try to raise your hand politely. 

    We all know that most servers are always occupied but will get to you eventually. Be patient especially when the restaurant is full-packed. The server might have many tables to help besides yours. 


    1. Talk to your waiter with respect.

    Always control the tone of your voice and your attitude. Never boss around for this could reflect your personality. Never yell or snap your fingers to get your server’s attention. 


    1. Make eye contact with the waiter.

    There are times when we feel like the waiter is trying to ignore us. Remember, you’re not the only one who is inside the restaurant. So, be patient. Be polite all the time. He or she may just be busy and stressed out with too much work. 


    1. Don’t take actions that can be rude to them.

    Do not ever touch your waiter! Do not take actions that can look rude to the people around you. When the waiter does arrive at your table, you can greet them politely before you ask anything you need.  


    1. Give them a tip

    A tip is one way of showing respect and support. If you can afford it, why not give them a bigger tip than usual? You can be sure that they will be happy to receive it. A larger tip will not only relieve their wallet but make them feel better at work as well. Give them credit for their good work!  


    1. Give them words of encouragement

    If you have extra time, take a minute to tell them how great of a job they are doing. Nothing will make them feel better about their performance than some verbal recognition from their customers. You can also have a quick conversation with them!  


    1. Write them a note

    If you like their service, you can leave them a little note on the bill after you pay. This will prove that your server did a job well done. It doesn’t have to be long. Just give them a quick “thank you” to show appreciation for their hard work. 


    1. Always be kind and respectful

    This is the most important tip! Be kind and respectful for this will brighten up a server’s day. You can even help them by not leaving a mess on the table after your meal or what we all know as the “ClayGo” (Clean Before You Go) policy. Help them clean up by stacking the dishes, throwing your used tissues, and picking up whatever trash that’s left on the table.  


    Waiters and waitresses put up with all kinds of customers throughout the year. Servers cater to us to keep us happy and to keep customers coming back for more, so why not show them some recognition for their service? 


    Have you thanked your waiter or waitress today? 


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