Top budget tips from grocery shopping 


Top budget tips from grocery shopping 

Leanne Josephine C. Austria

February 6, 2023

  • Oh come on, for sure one way or another, we’ve been spending too much when it comes to buying our groceries. Let’s say, we buy items that we don’t need but you can’t resist the temptation! Lol! Well, listen. Now it’s a great time to save money! Saving money is essential, especially during these tough times. Most Filipinos try to stretch their hard-earned money to cover all expenses, whether for their own or their family.  


    So, here’s the deal. How can we save enough money? The answer is simple: Let’s limit our expenses! 


    Here are some tips on how you can save money on groceries: 


    Never shop hungry 

    When you shop on an empty stomach, everything suddenly looks delicious! You may be more tempted to buy unhealthy choices and foods you don’t need. Try to eat light snacks first before heading to the supermarket. Trust me, this works!  


    Do write a shopping list 

    Before going on your shopping trip, Check what is still in your pantry to avoid buying excess items! Plus, making a list beforehand will let you move more efficiently through the store. With a budget, you can plan how much you will allow yourself to spend on groceries each week. Stick to your budget, Sweetie!  

    Bring your own bags 

    Who needs plastic bags anyways? Let’s go eco-friendly! Bringing your own tote bags is good for the environment. It’s like we’re hitting two birds with one stone! We save Mother Earth and money of course!  

    Plan your meals 

    Meal planning also involves buying items in bulk, which can be a huge money saver. Sticking to what’s on the list also avoids impulse buys at the grocery store. Maybe, try buying one pint of ice cream instead of two? Lol.  

    Buy basic 

    You can save a lot when you try to avoid buying items with brand names. Branded goods are often more expensive than unbranded items. So, before you reach out to pick the most familiar product, look around the shelves and compare prices of similar products. Some look and taste the same also. So, why not? 

    Don’t be tempted by SALE items 

    Just because an item is on sale doesn’t mean it’s the cheapest option. Make time to compare their prices. Check store-brand products, too, as they can often be the cheapest option. 

    Do not shop on impulse 

    Shopping impulsively will make you buy things you may not use, and this may cause you to waste your money. Just stick with your grocery list, Sweetie!  

     Try to shop alone 

    Not to be a loner or whatevs, but whenever it is possible, try to go to the grocery store alone. Staying focused can be hard on the list when you have a child, friend, or partner who might want other things. Sticking to the list will be easier for you if you are shopping without distractions from others. 


    After you’ve taken steps to hold down your spending, there’s nothing more encouraging than seeing your efforts pay off. Look at your grocery spending, before and after you start making changes. 



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