What Does Your Coffee Say About Your Personality?


What Does Your Coffee Say About Your Personality?

Adi Miguel

March 3, 2016


    We love coffee. But do you know that your choice of coffee has something to do with your personality?

    Black Coffee

    The old souls.

    Diet Blog defined them to be the set who knows what they like and sticks to it. They are very resistant to change. You can’t change their ways. They just deal with where and what they are used to.

    Be careful on dealing with these people because they are quiet yet moody. You have to test the waters when you engage with them because they tend to be dismissive. But these peeps are very efficient at work. They can also be honest, direct, and patient which are vital characters in the office.


    Comfort seeker.

    According to Diet Blog they are the trend followers. They do not experiment to originate at something–afraid to risk. It is important to them to please other people. Because of that appearance is very important to them.

    Huffington Post added that the latte drinkers are the people who add sweeteners to their coffee. And in this bitter and cruel world, these peeps are the sweeteners.


    The free souls.

    As per Huffington Post they are the stylish and spontaneous and trendsetters.

    Frappuccino lovers are socially bold. You don’t actually see them sit in a coffee shop. They roam around to flaunt their OOTDs while updating the social media world about their life, interests, and whatnots.

    Expect them to be very childlike and imaginative. There is no impossible with these people. And these traits doesn’t give them healthy results when it comes to decision-making. They can be very reckless.


    The leaders.

    According to Diet Blog this group is similar to black coffee but more ambitious. They are the goal-setters. They are very hardworking and they know how to get what they want. They can’t accept insufficiencies and failures. They are usually punctual, in control, and sticks to schedule. They are effective and recommended team players.

    Better stick to an espresso drinker if you’re always late. ;)



    Described by Diet Blog as imaginative and artistic peeps. They are very meticulous when it comes to work. They want every detail to be executed properly. And even if they are artistic they do not follow trends.

    This peeps are introvert. That’s why even if they are very detailed when it comes to work, you can’t expect them to be sharing their life details.


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