Yays and Nays when fighting heartburn and acid reflux


Yays and Nays when fighting heartburn and acid reflux

Troyka Lunar

November 14, 2022

  • A discomfort in your stomach, a burning feeling in your chest, and a sour-like bitter taste in your throat? You might be experiencing acid reflux. Acid reflux basically occurs when too much acid in your stomach goes up in your esophagus. Sometimes, it is because of too much acidity in our bodies. Most of the time, it is because of the food that we eat. So now, we are giving you some of the dos and don’ts to avoid that irritating feeling of heartburn and acid reflux.




    As sweet as it may sound, chocolate is definitely a no-no when dealing with stomach acids. Its ingredients trigger more exposure to acid in your esophagus, making it a cause of heartburn. A few of them may not trigger acid reflux, but if you are already experiencing it, remember to avoid this type of food!

    Spicy Food

    According to research, most spicy food has capsaicin. Capsaicin is a chemical commonly found in chili peppers. This chemical makes food digestion slow-going which triggers heartburn. Moreover, the effect of spicy food on your esophagus worsens your heartburn which gives you discomfort throughout the day.

    Alcohol or caffeine

    Aside from the fact that alcohols are a high-acidity type of drink, consumption of this drink may trigger you to urinate more. As a result, too much alcohol may trigger dehydration, affecting your acid reflux symptoms. Moreover, caffeine also triggers acid reflux, especially with more intake, as it relaxes the muscle that connects your stomach to your esophagus. If this happens, you are giving your stomach acids a way up to your esophagus and create symptoms of heartburn.

    Fried food

    Fried food, on the other hand, also triggers heartburn as it prevents tightening on the lower esophageal sphincter. Aside from that, this type of food takes longer in terms of digestion, triggering symptoms of acid reflux.

    Citrus fruits

    As healthy as they can be, citrus fruits can also trigger discomfort, especially in people who frequently suffer from acid reflux. Citrus fruits, as we all know, are also one of the high-acid types of food. Too many of these can cause your stomach to secrete more acid resulting in a discomforting feeling of heartburn.



    High-fiber food

    Foods rich in fiber, like whole grains, chicken, seafood, tofu, or egg whites, are of great help when experiencing acid reflux. These types of food help absorb excess acids in your stomach, preventing symptoms of acid reflux.


    Yogurt is one of the best choices if you are fighting acid reflux. Why? Because it contains probiotics that help you have a normal bowel movement. It also provides comfort in your stomach because of the protein it contains. A piece of advice, low-fat yogurt is more advisable than whole-fat yogurt!


    According to Weston Outpatient Surgical Center, “A 2011 study found that participants who took ginger supplements showed reduced levels of inflammation within one month.”  Based on the study, ginger provides comfort to irritated stomachs and prevents them from going up to your esophagus. So, if you are experiencing acid reflux, a cup of ginger tea might help!

    Lemon water

    If you are not into ginger, we still have a remedy here for you! Though citrus fruits are not advisable for acid reflux patients, adding a little lemon to your water might just save the day! Lemon water can help with the neutralization of acids in your stomach. Remember, do not put too much; a little squeeze will do!


    Aside from it being a low-acid fruit, banana is also a great source of alkaline that affects your food digestion. Moreso, eating bananas make you feel full, preventing you to eat more than you should!


    Now that you know what triggers and what helps acid reflux, go ahead, remember someone today and share these dos and don’ts!


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