6 Good reasons to put your phone down


6 Good reasons to put your phone down

November 16, 2018

  • How many times do you scroll up and down every day? Have you ever found out that you can waste so much hours in a day just by scrolling up and down in your phone? Actually, we can even waste our whole day by just lurking in social media and going from one website to another. We can be everywhere in the internet by just staying in our bed or couch. Woah, hope scrolling has burned so much calories because if it can, everyone’s in good shape! Hahaha!

    The thing is, with the progress of technology and digital, we are so into our phones and the world wide web. Less real-life interaction and experience because after all, everything is at the tip of our fingers.

    Well, given that your phone activity can eat up most of your time, here are few good reasons why you should put your phone down!


    Once you have decided to put your phone down, you have more free time. You see, your phone keeps you so busy that you’re not aware of what’s happening around you sometimes. Or maybe you’re not aware of what you’re missing. If your job needs more time in the phone, that’s acceptable. However, know when you’re using it too much. When there’s time to spend and experience the real world, do so. Make time. There’s so much in the internet but nothing beats when you can smell or feel the things around you. Real-life experience is still the best.


    Being unplugged from your phone can help you increase your productivity. You can finish more errands, check more on your to-do list, and be more adult. Hahaha! Not that those who are always on their phones are less adult. It’s just that you can finish more stuff and accomplish things when you try to unplug or be away from your phone for a while.


    Not all posts bad things about their selves in social media. Everyone shares good stuff. Something that they can brag. Something that will make other people think good about them. And some good things cause anxiety to other people. Like the thought of not being good enough, not making it on time, not succeeding in life, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), these things can level up anxiety. So it can be a good habit to lessen the use of phones so that you won’t fuel  anxiety and feel like you just have to be like everybody else.


    Again, not all posts about the bad things happening in their life in the internet. And sometimes we can’t help but compare the status of our lives to other people. We begin to compare what we have and feel less. Or maybe feel good about what we have and feel that we have more. We’re making standards. We look on other people’s status and posts than focus with what we have. We look past on the good things we have because we’d rather have more or feel that others have less than what we have.


    It’s proven and tested that too much phone usage can disrupt our body clock or sleeping patterns. Sometimes the things that we think would help us sleep doesn’t really help us. Most of the time it can interrupt our bed time routines. Also, when we see things that would trigger us to think more and stress more prohibits us to relax when in fact sleeping should also be a time for relaxing.


    The more we interact with people face-to-face, or the more we experience what life has to offer, we grow. We mature. We think right and change perspective. The internet may have a lot of things to offer but it is still contained in a little world. Remember, experience is still the best teacher. We are becoming aware of the world that we have. We are becoming more aware of the beauty and mess. We are becoming more human–loving, gracious, passionate, compassionate.


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