Everything in Between EP 2: Being the mistress and not knowing about it


Everything in Between EP 2: Being the mistress and not knowing about it

Angelique Agarap

July 14, 2023

  • Discover the empowering journey of Ms. A, who once found herself unknowingly in a mistress role, in the second episode of Everything in Between with Sam & Chloe. Her story serves as a potent reminder that there’s no better way to understand such an experience than by listening to someone who has lived through it.

    During the candid conversation, Ms. A shared the most significant lesson she learned about knowing her worth. She courageously shares her experience of shame and describes the intense confrontation that unfolded between her and the legal wife.

    With honesty and vulnerability, Ms. A admits that at the time, she didn’t fully comprehend the consequences of her actions, partly because she felt supported by the guy’s family. However, as time passed, she realized the weight of her choices and the impact they had on others, especially the innocent children affected by the situation.

    Despite enduring a harrowing experience that haunted her for years, Ms. A emerged from the shadows and now stands proudly in a healthy relationship. In fact, she has found true happiness and love, as evidenced by her engagement and upcoming wedding.

    That said, settling for less is never the answer. By learning from Ms. A’s experiences, we are reminded that we should always strive to know our worth, embrace our mistakes, and understand that genuine love will find its way to us when the time is right.

    Listen to the second episode of Everything in Between with Sam & Chloe here:


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